Imported from Australia and used in wildlife rehab for their native species, Wombaroo Milk Replacer has been formulated specifically to meet the nutritional needs of small marsupials. Milk substitute for Sugar Glider Joeys.
See this link also for complete joey rejection kits with all ingredients needed shown below.
For help with Rejected Joeys and Hand Raising, complete with photos see Suz' Sugar Gliders
Directions for use are on the box, but below you will see information on the complete recipe for Joey Rejections.
SAMPLE - Joey Rejection Emergency Kit - Makes 4 BATCHES for a couple of days
Be prepared in case of emergency! This sample of the Joey Rejection Emergency Kit is enough to get you started feeding for the first couple of days.
50g Wombaroo Milk Replacer25g Wombaroo Nectar
2g Wombaroo Impact Colostrum
2- 1cc feeding syringes
2- Feeding tips
FULL - Joey Rejection Feeding Kit- Enough for 2 rejected joeys until fully weaned
250g Wombaroo Milk Replacer
100g Wombaroo Nectar
16g Wombaroo Impact Colostrum
3- 3cc feeding syringes
3- 1cc feeding syringes
3 Feeding tips
Joey Formula Recipe
Mix the following ingredients together:
2 Tbsp. Wombaroo Milk Replacer
2 Tbsp. Warm, Distilled Water
1/4 tsp. Wombaroo Impact Colostrum
1 Tbsp. Wombaroo Nectar
Then add:
2 Tbsp. Warm, Distilled Water
Mix until smooth. Refrigerate unused portion for up to 24 hours. Do NOT freeze - the Impact Colostrum Supplement's efficacy breaks down once frozen. Formula can be frozen when made without the Impact Colostrum Supplement - which can be added later once a portion has thawed.