Important Announcement
Hello, first let me say how much I truly appreciate all of my wonderful customers, adoptive parents and those who reach out to me for whatever their glider needs are. I would like to let those of you who don't already know, that I am a 1 person operation and during this time of lockdown when everyone is home sending messages and placing orders I don't have the option of bringing anyone in to give me a hand to keep up. So I ask that you please have patience with me while I get back to everyone as quickly as I can, it may take me a few days. My store policy is to have orders out within 10 business days, but I have always done my very best to have only a 2-3 day turnaround whenever possible. I am still working hard at this and nearly keeping up, but some orders are taking a few days longer, so bear with me. Right now Canada Post is completely overloaded and doesn't always seem to be scanning packages into the system and so I have dozens of messages a day asking about package deliveries of which I have no control over. We just need to have patience and hope that they will arrive quickly. Canada Post currently has no On Time Delivery guarantees and some packages are taking 3x longer then usual, so please give it a couple of weeks as I can get no more information than what you see when you check your tracking. Thanks for your understanding everybody and know that I am doing my very best to keep my family and yours safe during these difficult times.
A message from Canada Post